I am not sure how you feel, but some days life seems difficult and honestly exhausting. It’s during these times that it seems easy for our minds to focus on what’s going wrong in our lives instead of what’s going right. There’s no doubt, there’s a lot of negativity in this world. However, taking the time to counter the negative by expressing gratitude can be helpful to not only help us reset, but it can be quite beneficial to our overall health.

The simple act of recognizing and expressing gratitude has been linked to better psychological, physical, and social health. This includes lower blood pressure, stronger immune systems, better sleep quality, and decreased stress levels. In addition, expressing gratitude is linked to increased feelings of joy, happiness, forgiveness, and compassion. The practice of gratitude simply means we affirm the goodness in our lives and explore where that goodness comes from.

Expressing and exploring gratitude might not be something that comes natural to you. Just like everything else, it takes practice. Here are 6 tips to help get you started:

1. Spend 5 minutes a day writing down things for which you are grateful. For some, this can be easier to do at night; include anything that may have taken place during the day.

2. Set an alarm on your watch, calendar, or smart phone to help remind you to write in your journal either daily or 1 to 2 times per week. If you choose to do once per week, record your thoughts throughout the week so you don’t forget when you do sit down to journal.

3. On days or weeks where it may be difficult to find the positive in things, shift your focus to the basics. This includes things such as having a home, a job, food, or even an able body. Once you do this, it may be easier to shift your focus to people, places, experiences, or situations that bring you happiness.

4. If possible, try avoid repeating the same entries. This could make journaling a challenge as time passes. Instead challenge yourself to find new things you are grateful for.

5. Instead of tallying up all the things or people you have or don’t have in your life, reflect deeply on how the people or things you do have, bring you joy and what your life would be like without them. For those you don’t care for, try to find something to appreciate in them. Focusing on the good will help shift your perceptions and likely lead to more happiness.

6. Don’t forget to be thankful for yourself and all of your strengths and abilities. Take time to appreciate your body and mind and all that it’s capable of.

In trying to manage stress, I’ve found this to be one of the quickest, yet extremely effective ways, to manage mine. I encourage you to give it a try. It’s been life changing for me.

Need help trying to find BALANCE in all areas of your life? I’d love to help. Let’s schedule a time a chat. Head to my website to schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation @https://balancehealthandnutrition.com/work-with-julie/. Hope to see you there.