Stress; no matter what’s going on in my life, I can honestly say it’s always present. Learning to manage it can make a world of difference in terms of our health and our ability to maintain a healthy weight. While engaging in deep breathing, meditation, yoga, massage, or a epsom salt bath are key ways to manage stress, choosing the right foods can also affect our stress response.

What you eat directly affects how your mind works. Your gut and brain are connected by the vagus nerve and are constantly in communication with each other.
If you feel chronically stressed, moody, and have strong cravings, I’d say its time to look at what’s on your plate.

Some key foods to focus on adding to your diet to manage stress:
Foods High in Magnesium Promote feelings of calmness. Found in Bananas, Dark Chocolate, Whole Grains, and Pumpkin Seeds

Leafy Greens Contain Folate ,which produces Dopamine, helping to keep you calmer. Found in Spinach, Kale, Chard, and Arugula

Fermented Foods-Feed the good bacteria in our gut where 70% of Serotonin is produced. Found in Kimchi, Apple Cider Vinegar, Greek Yogurt, and Kombucha

Healthy Fats- Food for your brain. Found in Salmon, Avocado, Nuts and Seeds, Olive Oil, and Coconut milk.

Foods High in Vitamin B B5 helps regulate adrenal glands and B6 regulates serotonin and norepinephrine levels. Found in Grass-Fed Meat, Brussels Sprouts, Lentils, Asparagus, and Eggs

Adaptagens Decrease sensitivity to stressors- Found in Ashwaganda, Rhodiola, Turmeric, Tulsi
I’m hoping you can find ways to include each of these foods into your daily routine. Proper nutrition can make a world of difference in how we manage stress.

Need additional help in trying to improve your diet? Let’s chat. Head to my website to sign up for your FREE 30-minute consultation @ I look forward to hearing from you.