Happy New Year!!  Hopefully you all have enjoyed the Holiday season and are ready to begin a new year. 

With the mark of each new year comes the setting of New Year’s resolutions. I personally have never been one to set New Year’s Resolutions but wasn’t surprised to find that between 40 and 45% of adults set one or more resolution each year.  A survey done in November of 2019 determined that 51% of Americans would commit to eating healthier, 50% would commit to exercising more, 42% would commit to losing weight, and 38% would commit to improving their mental well-being.  However, I found it interesting that the failure rate of New Year’s resolutions is estimated to be 80% with most people losing their resolve by mid-February. Pretty sad statistics right?  And why are failure rates so high?

There are a few different beliefs behind this.  Some believe it’s a lack of clarity while others believe expectations are set too high. Another belief, which I personally feel is the biggest contributor, is the word itself.  Resolution is one big word. To many it means “it’s a must,” a “have to,” and if we don’t succeed at meeting this lofty goal we consider ourselves a failure.  It makes me question; Why would anyone want to do this to themselves?

What if smaller, clearer goals could be set?  What if your goals were broken down into something that was achievable? What if someone could help you recognize that when it comes to improving your health it is not “one size fits all.” Just because one diet worked for your friend doesn’t necessarily mean it will work for you. What if you could set goals that were not only weight focused, but goals that could help you improve your nutrition because it is a way to heal your depression, your anxiety, your fatigue, your mood swings, your digestive issues, or even adult acne?  This is exactly what working with Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching can do.

Unlike New Year’s resolutions, the goals we set while working together can be attainable and sustainable because they are specific, individualized, and encompass diet, exercise, sleep habits, and stress management.  The plan we devise together fits into your life, not the lives of the thousands of others that are trying to keep their New Year’s resolutions.

Make 2020 the year that you put unrealistic goals and expectations behind you and work toward finding BALANCE in your life.  Visit my website @balancehealthandnutrition.com to schedule a free 30-minute consultation to determine how I can best help you.

Wishing you BALANCE in 2020!
