I think it’s safe to say that it’s officially the holiday season. I decided this after walking into Starbucks the other day and seeing all things red and green. Regardless of what it might be for you, I’m guessing you might have the upcoming holidays on your mind.

I’ve already started talking with my clients on how to approach various celebrations because, as you know, many of them are centered around food. This can be stressful for some, especially for those who have committed to approaching this season in a much healthier way than in years past. Taking some time to do a few things to support healthy eating patterns could help you go into the New Year feeling pretty good.

Here are a few suggestions that will help you feel better not only physically, but mentally.

  • Follow the 80/20 rule- If your eating is on track 80-90% of the time, you can enjoy some of your favorite treats of the season at other times. Staying on track most of the time means eating clean, whole foods and skipping those that are processed and high in carbohydrates and refined sugar. When times of celebration do present themselves, enjoy a few of your favorite foods, and get right back on track at the next meal.
  • Eat before you go– Eating a protein filled snack before you go to any celebration is always a good idea. Instead of showing up ravenous and reaching for anything that resembles food, taking the edge off your hunger before you go can lead to making smarter food choices all around. Even if you do decide to have a cookie, having protein before will hopefully deter you from going back for more. My “go-to’s” are hard boiled eggs, a Chomps turkey stick, or bone broth.
  • Bring something to share– Many times we are unsure of what type of foods will be served. Making a new healthy recipe or turning an old favorite into something healthier by using more quality ingredients, ensures you have at least one smart option. Don’t have time to make something? A veggie tray is quick, easy, and healthy.
  • Choose Gluten-free alcohol- I recognize alcohol is not for everyone, but if it is something you enjoy (in moderation, of course), choose a gluten-free option. This includes wine, hard cider, tequila, potato vodka, or rum. Steer clear from beer or any alcohol that is made from grain. Alcohol in itself can be inflammatory. Pairing it with gluten is a double-whammy. My favorite is Dry Farms Wine.
  • Pass on the dips and sauces– Sauces and dips can sabotage healthy eating patterns. While they’re delicious, it’s hard to know what’s in them. They can be loaded with sugar, gluten, or inflammatory oils. Skip them altogether.
  • Enjoy the company– Parties, dinners, or other celebrations don’t need to be ONLY about the food and drink. Enjoying the company and spending time with friends or family you love can be just as enjoyable. Plus, by making the decision to focus on the company, as opposed to food, you’ll take the stress out of worrying about what you’ll eat or won’t eat.
  • Have a plan– Perhaps you do overindulge a night or two (it happens). Have a plan for the next day. What this means, is you get right back on track by eating quality protein, healthy fat, and fiber. This will help stabilize blood sugar, insulin levels, and hormones.
  • Supplement to support– Excess gluten, dairy, and sugar can overload our digestive system while also causing inflammation. Taking a digestive enzyme prior to eating can be quite helpful in easing digestive woes. A turmeric supplement can do wonders for decreasing inflammation.
  • No Thank You-Yes, it’s perfectly fine to say “no thank you” to those foods, treats, or drinks that you know you won’t feel good about later. Your body will be thanking YOU!
  • Support your gut- The gut is truly the gateway to our health. Many of the foods we eat during this time of year can offset the balance of good bacteria in our gut. This can lead to of myriad of problems including compromised immunity, poor mental health, weight gain, and many others. Probiotics can deliver beneficial bacteria to your microbiome and promote gut healing. Look for one that has at least 10 billion CFUs.

Hopefully you will find a few of these suggestions to be helpful over the next several weeks. Or, maybe you’re not looking for tips, but for a way to start making permanent changes now. Why wait until after the new year? I’ve recently taken on several new clients who are sick of feeling lousy and want to start adopting new habits NOW so that they know how to navigate times like this in the future. If that sounds like you, let’s set up a time to talk. I offer a free 30-minute consultation to everyone. Click here @ https://balancehealthandnutrition.com/work-with-julie/ to sign up for yours.

