Happy Holiday Season.  While this year doesn’t look quite the same, I’m sure many of you will  still be engaging in some of your favorite family traditions.  In our home, many of our holiday traditions are centered around food.  It’s hard to pass up some of your favorites during this time of year, and you shouldn’t. But exercising some control can help you to not only to feel better physically, but also mentally…a necessity during these stressful and unpredictable times.

Here are ten suggestions to help you stay on track during the season:

1. Find some BALANCE– A great rule of thumb (and I’m sure you’ve heard this before ) to live by is 80/20. To do this, aim to stay on track during the week when you aren’t engaging in holiday traditions or celebrations (80%).  Then allow yourself a few treats on those other occasions (20%).  Of course, it’s important to use some control when it comes to alcohol as we know it lowers our inhibitions and could lead to some less than healthy decisions.

2. Start your day with a workout– This time of year can get busy.  By starting your day out with exercise, it ensures that if something comes up later in the day, you’ve already done it and there’s no guilt. Do you normally workout in the evening? Get up an hour earlier and get it done!

3. Drink A LOT of water– If you happen to over indulge, whether that’s in food or alcohol, water will help you feel much better the next day.  It will not only keep you hydrated, but it will help you detoxify.  Having a couple glasses of wine?  Have a glass of water between each drink.

4. Get your Z’s– When we skimp on sleep, our appetite regulating hormones become off balance.  The hormone that tells us we’re hungry, ghrelin, surges while our satiety hormone, leptin, is suppressed. This leaves us feeling unsatisfied and reaching for more food throughout the entire day. Aim for 7-9 hours per night and try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Your body craves routine!

5. Find an accountability partner– This is an excellent way to stay on track during the holidays.  Ask a friend, partner, or spouse to help you stay on track when it comes to workouts and food choices.  Having someone to hold you accountable makes things much easier.

6. Plan ahead– Set yourself up for success.  This is the key in any health or fitness journey.  Have a social gathering? Eat something beforehand so you don’t show up ravenous or bring something healthy to share so you won’t be tempted to overindulge in those not so healthy treats.

7. Stick to your normal routine– Well at least as much as possible.  Continue grocery shopping for the week, meal planning, and exercising as you normally would.  No time to shop? Give Instacart a try and you will have no excuse for not making it to the store. 

8. Strategize your eating for the day– Having a celebration tonight? Think about what your eating looks like during the day.  Will you be having a cocktail or indulging in a favorite holiday treat in the evening?  Consider eating a lighter breakfast and lunch (protein and healthy fats) and enjoy a carb or two at your celebration.

9. Focus on filling your plate with protein– When making food decisions, go for the protein.  Protein will help to keep you fuller longer and it has a higher thermal effect (the energy required for digestion and absorption) than carbs or fat. In addition, protein will help your muscles to recover after all of those workouts you’ll be doing over the holidays.

10. Eat mindfully– Pace your eating and eat mindfully.  Some suggestions to include: sit down to eat, take small bites, chew thoroughly, enjoy the taste, texture, and smell, enjoy the experience (and not just the food), take sips of water between bites, cut your food into small bites, and talk to people while you eat.

Need more help staying on track during the holidays?  I would love to help.  Head to my website @www.balancehealthandnutrition.com to sign up for your free 30-minute consultation.

Hopefully you will find these tips helpful over the next month. Wishing you a safe, happy, and BALANCED holiday season.